Sunday, January 6, 2013

Metal Festival Calendar Launched

Good day Hellions with the luggage's and over-stamped passports, it's yours truly bringing you another tool to help you on the iron-clad highways, the seas of acid, and traversing the skies from a botched stage-dive, aka as Metal Travel \m/

The Metal Festival Calendar is up and running, so for those who want to inject a \m/ HEAVIER \m/ dose of acid laced steel, now you have the goods to make it happen.

Also, I am making a all-points bulletin to my fellows allies and strangers of the Iron-clad variety. The calendar only has some, but not all Metal Festivals. I would like some info on other Metal Festivals that are not listed to be sent my way so I can put them up. The necessary filtering will be in effect, but that's meant more for the quality of the injection.