I6Z6A6N NOTE: This was another series of posts originally from my Wacken Trek website that is now part of Metal Trek. There have been some minor changes from the original post to address some grammatical errors.
First, a foreword as to why I put both the first and second days together. I didn't have enough pictures to work with from the first day since the moment I arrived it was hit and run, and that's why there aren't many pics from day 1, but I will say the first day was best way to start off my tour.
When I left Miami International Airport, it was August 1 at approximately 3:15PM and the flight was approximately 9 hours. By the time I got to Düsseldorf Flughafen (Airport), it was August 2, approximately 6:40AM, and this is due not only to the length of the flight, but the 6 hour time difference as well. As quickly as I landed I ran off to the Airport Hauptbahnhof (Train Station) to begin my inland journey to Emden, where my best friend Stefan lives. I only stayed 1 night, and to say it was short is a definite understatement since it is a very nice town that most people dream off. It allowed me an opportunity to see his wife Astrid and their new miracle Ida Sophia, a very adorable baby that can rob one persons heart easily. We had a BBQ at their home which allowed me to get to know more of his friends and family. While we went to the supermarket to pick up some provisions for the feast, I manged to get the REAL Havana Club (as in the one that is straight from Cuba). I also picked up some Haribo candy at the local supermarket. As you can imagine, I took advantage of the selection from this great candy that only Germany can provide.
On the following day, I said my farewell to Astrid and Ida Sophia, thus ending one of the best parts of my trip, as myself, Stefan, his brother Günter and his son, Silent Y (My nickname to him since he was very quiet throughout the entire Wacken portion of the trip, and his first name begins with a "Y". Unfortunately, I forgot it, sorry Silent Y) began the march to Wacken Open Air. As you can imagine, this was a road trip of epic proportions as we found ourselves sharing the road with other Wacken legions. It was the Bay of Pigs of convoys.
When we arrived to Wacken Open Air, it was like seeing the gates of heaven (or hell) again for me since this is my second time at this great festival, and it never gets old that feeling of arriving to the holy land of \m/ETAL!6!6!6!
I made my way to the Metal Market, the Walmart of Metal, where as usual it was packed with Legions shopping for the necessities their lives command (Shirts, CD's, Vinyls (Yes, we still listen to vinyls), Patches, Spiked/Studded Bracelets, Helmets, Drinking Horns, Blowing Horns, etc.).
There was also the usual activities for Metal fans to enjoy ourselves with, like the very appropriate mechanical bull-ride (Wacken Cow Skull anybody?6?6?6?) and the Metal Kick for the soccer hooligans. An interesting side note about the bull-ride, if you rode it either topless or nude, you get on for free. Of course, that idea didn't work for the Metal Kick, but that didn't stop some of the festival attendees from walking around nude either (and no, I don't have pics of that since the suspects were male. If it was the ladies doing it, than it'd be a different story, since women look better nude than men).
The infamous Jager ride made it's triumphant return to the Holy Land of Wacken, and as always, only a select few were the chosen ones to take to the air and drink a fine beverage worthy of the Gods and Goddesses in Valhalla. The only way to get on this ride is to enter a contest and win a seat. One day, I will beat up a prize holder of one of the coveted seats, disguise myself as that person, and get on that ride.
Another activity that Metalheads were able to participate in was Pole-sitting. This is about as simple as it gets, but there's one catch, you have to stay in your seat for 6 hours (with 10 minutes break between the 2 hours seat time). Prizes were from Marshall, Vintage Amps, MM Media, Woodbrass.com as well as a place in front of the first row of the main stages. For the contestants benefit, the seats were about 8 feet high and positioned to view the main stages so they didn't miss out on some parts of the festival. Considering my current occupation sees me sitting a good chunk of time, I should have participated as well, but there was a lot to do, so go figure. Next time.
Going back to one of my favorite candies, here they are in full force with a grab bag stand, meaning, grab one bag and fill it up with which ever flavor they had available and pay it by the weight.
The next pictures will show you the pathway that led to and from our campsite. The best part about where we camped is we were near a Wacken Breakfast Stand (They served coffee, pastries, and doughnuts, plus some other pastries and lite food items), a pizza and gyro stall.
The Big Wacken Oktoberfest style mugs, truly one of the most worthy containers of Wholly nectar in the world. I will say that I slammed a couple of these since for the price, it definitely allowed for some intercontinental (as in hopping from one campsite to the next) distance beverage consumption.
The Jager ride made for a good background if it happened to be in the line of fire (for a camera shot that is).
One thing about the festival goers is our creativity to make something out of nothing. Take these fine folks who decided to make the horns and "WOA" letters out of empty cans of beer.
Watching Helloween for the first time in my life was very awesome, as they are legends in the world of Heavy Metal, and their performance was very tight.
The audience had a very unique way of agreeing with my statement.
The backstage entrance was decorated the only way it can be decorated. By having the Wacken Cow Skull eat you ALIVE!6!6!6!
One of the bands I wanted to see was Blind Guardian, as this was my 2nd time seeing them. My first time seeing Blind Guardian was my very first Metal Festival, ProgPower USA 3 (Atlanta, GA) for their first ever U.S. show (that's a lot of "firsts"). Also, a nice first as well is my first video for the blog, featuring the crowd surfers during their performance. On a comical side-note, Hansi's new haircut makes him look like Mille Petrozza of Kreator.
The ever underrated but popular theme of people being passed out in random parts of the festival is a testament to Wackens reputation. In case your wondering, this lady was passed out on the side of one of the main stages.
The Jager ride, from the True Metal Stage point of view and participating with it's own light show.
Here I am with Stefan and one of the festival attendees (forgot his name, sorry dude).
Now this little guy definitely gave me a bit of a scare. One of the nights, I noticed some random thing in the air that managed to get my attention. I couldn't determine if it was a plane, a helicopter, a hot air balloon (yes, those do fly over the festival sometimes), and it was just impossible for me to determine what it was, and than I came to the conclusion of it being a U.F.O. (not the band). The next day, I noticed the helicamera and finally put 2 and 2 together that it was the helicamera I saw that night.
The organizers (and most likely the sponsors as well) think of ways to make it as convenient as possible for people to get booze.
Wacken at night is even better than day, since most Metalheads tend to be more active at night, but it can also get dark, and getting lost can be a problem. That's where lighting is a very important part of Metalheads life. Here, you see the backstage access entrance in it's illuminated glory...
... and the obligatory close up of the Cow Skull on fire \m/ .
I'll be the first to admit I am not the biggest Ozzy fan, but this one night, it goes to show why Ozzy has the reputation he has, and he did put on the best show for the evening.
Than there's the tag team of the Pole-sitting contest. The only thing you win is a good view of the band, and some sore shoulders.
A side note about Wacken, the festival allows zoo animals into it's domain.
The backstage entrance also had it's own light show to go with the festival.
Humor is a definite requirement to go to this festival. In case your wondering, I walked out of there with a customized $7,000 Jackson Kelly with Matte Black finish, Titanium Skull Iron Cross Inlays on the fretboard, and carved Skull Iron Cross inlays on the body (In my dreams when I walked to the guitar rack).
One of the last things I saw before leaving the festival area was, you guessed it, the Jager ride at night.
In case your wondering how the Stages look after they wrap up for the night, here it is in the glory of it's version of the "CLOSED SIGN".